This punishment gives the game the “Super Meat Boy feel”. Hitting a trap will reset your progress right to the beginning. Go from “point a” to “point b” by avoiding traps. The object of each level is to reach a treasure chest. This creates very addictive core gameplay. The gameplay is simple and is very transparent about what you did wrong each time you die. With simple rules, it feels expressive and gives players plenty of options. With one-touch controls it feels native on mobile. ZeptoLab has managed to give classic platformers a mobile makeover. You can also jump off walls to reverse the players direction. You can tap to trigger a jump in the current direction.

Your Thief (the little cute black shadow) automatically runs left or right. The core gameplay is a one-button platformer. The pitch for King of Thieves is “Super Meat Boy” combined with “Clash of Clans”. This approach is what I feel more new game designs should do to be successful on the AppStore. ZeptoLab has taken what works in simulation and strategy games, and applies this to a totally new genre and a completely new target audience. It feels unique and has all the elements that make up a top grossing game. In my opinion, this is a game that deserves to be successful. While not on the top spot yet, the game’s bold design deserves a look. Launched in February 2015, this game has piqued my interest.

Let’s take a deep dive into ZeptoLab’s latest game King of Thieves.